Campaigning for a free West Papua

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West Papua has suffered 60 years of Indonesian occupation

Deprived of self-determination by a fraudulent referendum in 1969, West Papua has become one of the world’s oldest and most brutal occupations. Over 500,000 West Papuans have been killed, hundreds of thousands forced to flee their homes, and a state-sponsored settlement programme has made Indigenous Papuans a minority in parts of their own land. Papuan culture is criminalised by the state - despite this intense repression, West Papuans overwhelmingly want independence.

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The UK is complicit in crimes against West Papua

Britain has long provided diplomatic, economic, and military support for Indonesia’s occupation. The UK is the lead training provider at the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC), where Indonesian military units implicated in numerous massacres in West Papua are trained. The Conservatives are aiming to deepen these military links, and have presided over a huge expansion in weapons sales to Indonesia.

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Indonesian troops marching through the streets of West Papua in front of local children. West Papua is the most militarised zone in the Pacific.

Papuan human rights activists Dano Tabuni and Ambrosius Mulait were found guilty of treason for flying the Morning Star flag.

Goal: recognition for West Papua in Labour’s next manifesto

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