Labour for a free West Papua

Labour Friends of West Papua is a network of Labour representatives and activists campaigning for environmental protection, human rights, and an end to military occupation in West Papua. 

We recognise that the denial of West Papuan self-determination is at the core of the Papuan conflict. Through Parliamentary and grassroots activity, we will fight for a UK foreign policy that defends this inalienable right.

We call for the protection of West Papua’s unique environment and the indigenous Papuan communities that have acted as its custodians for thousands of years. Home to half of the world’s third-largest rainforest, as well as thousands of unique plant and animal species, West Papua 

We urge closer international scrutiny of human rights in West Papua. In particular, we support the long-delayed visit to West Papua by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, which Indonesia vowed to facilitate in 2018.

We campaign for an end to military occupation in West Papua, the most heavily militarised territory in the Pacific.

In support of these principles, Labour Friends of West Papua aims to:  

  • Promote an understanding of the history of West Papua and the sources of the current conflict among Labour members and representatives. 
  • Strengthen support for West Papua among Labour members at a local, national, and regional level. 
  • Push for transparency and accountability around the links between the UK and the Indonesian occupation.

Please support Labour Friends of West Papua on Twitter and Instagram.


If you would like to support Labour Friends of West Papua, or have any questions, please email us at

Supportive MPs

Alex Sobel

MP for Leeds North West, Chair of International Parliamentarians for West Papua

Nadia Whittome

MP for Nottingham East

Olivia Blake

MP for Sheffield Hallam

Paul Sweeney

MSP for Glasgow

Richard Burgon

MP for Leeds East